You are seen and heard in this exhaustion. As a white woman who actively practices antiracism, I have done much digging into the envy and completion of white women. It is something so deep in us, most of us are not even fully aware of how much it impacts our expressions of racism as well as our inability to be in relationship with each other, never mind women with different skin colors. These are not excuses as the behaviors are gross. Rather a root cause area of work for white women to unpack if we are to understand our identities and how we perpetuate racism with our behaviors and where those behaviors come from. I have often been asked by black women why why women are they way we are and I wrote How the Burning Times of Witches Influences White Women Culture Today (on Medium) as a way to answer this question and one area for white women to work on in the movement for racial justice. Thank you for sharing your experience and hope you get to dance the night away with your partner soon.